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Easiest way to buy mounted medals!  Prices include ribbon & medal mounting.

mounted medals
miniature military medals
Military Ribbons
name tapes
flak patches
Shop by Service

Dorothy's Military Medals is the nation's specialist in offering the finest and most complete line of Military Medals, Ribbons & Accessories.   All medals and ribbons are regulation and mounted by our professionals in order of precedence, include the mounting bar, custom mounted to perfection & built to last for years and years.  Our tailors & seamstresses use the highest quality regulation military medals & materials for all medal mounting.  

You can order your flak patches & name tapes online and we'll customize them according to your specifications and ship them, or have them ready for you to pick up at our military shop in Oceanside, CA.

Mounted Medals
• Anodized or Non Anodized
Mounted Ribbons
• All Devices Available

The military awards that you can buy online are only mounted military medals & ribbons.  If you'd like to order medals only (not mounted), you can visit our military shop in Oceanside, CA or give us a call.  Our store has a complete line of medals for Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force & Coast Guard servicemembers.  We also offer dry cleaning and all other military uniform services for local customers in Camp Pendleton & San Diego county.

View our selection of Flak Patches and Name Tapes and see how we can suit all of your needs.

Providing Military Awards for All United States Services
MedalsRibbonsPatchesName Tape •Laundry & Dry Cleaning •Military Surplus

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